The joys of hiking when going on ramblers holidays. You feel the sun on your cheek, you feel the fresh air flowing through your lungs, your eyes take in the fantastic scenery but your feet are aching like crazy because of a painful blister. The things that help spoil ramblers holidays!
Well the good news is that this can be avoided. You can enjoy an excellent ramble and walk for miles by following some simple key steps.
The first thing to mention is your footwear - hiking boots and socks. If you are going to spend some money make sure that you have quality boots and socks you can take away on ramblers holidays. The good news is that modern day hiking boots and socks are much better quality than 10-20 years ago. However it is not always wise to buy directly on-line. Go to a store and ask for expert advice and even try your walking gear on so you can make sure your boots and socks are comfortable.
The next point is not to wear brand new hiking boots directly on ramblers holidays. Your hiking boots will need to mould to your foot. The best way to do this is to wear your hiking boots a number of times before going on your hike. This way your hiking boots will be a great mould for your feet to restrict movement in the boot and prevent blisters.
The final point is looking after your feet while you are hiking on ramblers holidays. You need to make sure your feet are dry and have sufficient air. You know when a blister is about to form when you feel a slight pain or irritation when hiking. The best thing here is to tell your group you need a stop and remove your hiking boots to give your feet some air.
Also try not to get your feet wet. Thick socks will keep your feet wet and after a while you will have a blister. You can buy some hiking gaiters. These are great and will keep you feet dry
So enjoy your hike. Enjoy each element. However avoid any blisters and have a fantastic hike during ramblers holidays.
I enjoy Hiking and Rambling and also writing Hiking and Rambling blogs which I fully populate with videos and articles on a daily basis.
Please see my Hiking and Rambling blog here
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_Nariel